Monday, January 22, 2018

List of "small" YouTube Channels

 Horns High Mountain Biking:
MTB Travel Eat:
 Ryan Schlagheck:
 MTBing Adventures:
 Jason Bikes:
 Look At Nelson:
 Singletracks & Whiskey:
 Seb Mansfield:
 Budget friendly biking:
 SingleTrek Chef:
 JF Rides:
 Trail Bike Bebop:
 Get Free:
 Francisco J Santana:
 MTB Beta:
Jordan Byron:
North Country MTB:

 This is a list of some of the smaller channels that will be impacted by the YouTube changes coming in their Partner Program. Sub them ALL!!

 Below is a Direct copy and paste from Jordan Byron's great video on the subject.

As some of you may have heard, this week YouTube announced some big changes to their partner program which allows creators, like me, to make money from our videos through advertisements. As a result of those changes I, and many other small mountain bike channels you might enjoy, are no longer eligible to be part of that program. I’m going to talk a little about those other channels and how you can help in a little bit, but first I’m sure you are wondering; “Why does that matter to me? Advertisements suck!”, and you know you what, you’re 100% right. Advertisements do suck. They suck for you and they suck for me. To date I’ve only earned $82 dollars of revenue from YouTube advertisements. That’s a buck fifty per video I’ve created. Worse, I haven’t actually been able to put that money back into the channel, because YouTube won’t cut a check until I hit $100 dollars of earned revenue. And that’s an important thing I want to point out. I’m not looking to make it rain with sweet, sweet Google coin, but I would like to offset the costs of creating these mostly ok riding videos that seem to bring many of you joy in your life. For example, I would LOVE to have some extra money towards the purchase of a drone to get a different perspective of our majestic New England trails. So what can we do? Well, we have a few options: If by February 20th we can get our subscriber count above 1,000 AND get a lot more eyeballs on our videos, totaling over 4,000 hours of watch time in the past year, then we can meet the new requirements and continue to place annoying ads before our videos. Yay? A few of us, NoFrontBrakes, MikeLikesTrails, and others, which I’ll list below, are going to try and make that happen. As it stands I am short about 200 subscribers and have about 1,000 hours of watch time to go. Everyone is at a different stage, so if you canshare our videos, subscribe if you haven’t already, and go back and watch our videos. If you work in an office, play our videos on your co-workers computers. They won’t mind! Your mom and dad have a google account? Great! Get them subscribed to our stuff. Every little bit counts. But I also want to hear from you. Ultimately I am making these videos for you. You the person watching this video, right now, who gets what we I’m trying to do. To show you trails all around New England so you can get out there and ride. What do you think of advertisement. Do you care? How about merchandise? Other channels make T-Shirts, sell stickers, and other weird stuff. Is that something you’d be interested in me doing? How about Patreon? If just 5 of you pledged $5 a month that would match what I made on my BEST month in advertising. Or how about Bitcoin? Blockchain something something social tokens blah I don’t know let me know in the comments. And please, please go checkout the channels listed below (above). All of these creators are working really hard to share their passion with you and even if we don’t meet the February 20th deadline, at least we can use it as a motivator to propel the entire community forward. Thanks so much for watching all the way to the end. I’ll close us out with a fun little edit I put together this summer that I never got around to finishing. It’s super goofy but this is the stuff we get to do with your support, and hopefully it motivates you to … get out there and ride.

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