Trail System Review - Thunder Mtn Bike Park

Thunder Mountain Bike Park

Thunder Mountain is a Super fun bike park with amazing trails, serious technical runs and some sweet jump lines.  Thunder has a single lift and on occasion the line can get long but not so often that its annoying. The lift is slow and you have to hustle off as it does not slow down for unloading. The ticket price is perfect at $44 for the day and you will get your moneys worth.

Thunder has everything that I want in a DH park, some flow to get warmed up, some jump lines and progressively harder and harder technical runs. Thunder is raw, less manicured and just plain evil at times. It surprises you and will catch you off guard, it will call you out and toss you to the ground for not staying focused and you can't assume that the big rock in front of you has a backside that rolls out smoothly, its likely that rock leads straight to a crash. Thunder demands a little respect but once you understand this it makes every run just that much sweeter. All that said Thunder is not the Gnarliest place on earth or anything but its not as white washed as some parks.

Must rides include, Trillium, Billy Badger, Wine Tree, Schist, Juggernaut, The Gronk, Hawleywood and Thunder Cliffs.  Trillium is surprisingly Gnarly for a blue trail and sets the tone for the rest of the riding. So do some warm laps on some easier runs and then head over to this awesome run. Billy Badger is a very similar trail just upping the ante of difficulty. Juggernaut and Wine Tree are just sick runs, be mindful of some scary and look before you leap lines that can be pretty serious. Once ridden your next lap down each will be crazy fun. The Schist is steep and chunky and chunky and steep and just crazy. These three trails are so good and so technically fun it ridiculous.  The Gronk is one, if not the best mid size jump line I have ridden. It is forgiving, progressive, has great flow and is a perfect training ground to master your technique and build confidence.

All of Thunder is awesome. There is a really cool vibe at Thunder, people are cool and its just a fun place to be.

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