Trail System Review - Highland Bike Park

Highland Bike Park

Highland is over a 3 hour drive for me so it has been a park I visit when other options are not available, mostly in early spring.  It also has to compete with a season pass to Killington that is less than an hour and twenty. That said Highland is tied with Killington as my favorite place to ride!! The best riding I have done was my first lap on Hellion when two young kids towed me in. It was a full on SEND run for me and while I didn't clear everything I rode bigger than I ever had. Highland has a ton of fantastic features to help you progress your jumping skills. As a beginner jumper you have several jumps that are only as "big" as you make them and as you get more and more comfortable you can push your limits very comfortably.  Cats Paw is one of the best progression trails I have seen. It has several optional lines and features that gradually get bigger to help you build up your confidence and technique. This skill progression is carried on all the way up to a full on Slope Style course.  I learned more and my jumping improved more in one day at Highland than a whole season at other bike parks.
Highland has great tech trails too, Fancy Feast has a lot of good technical sections and great flow. Trails like Maiden Voyage, 10 Minute, ODB and ODC step up the tech and skill levels enough to keep the hardcore busy and happy. If you are strictly interested in pure tech lines you will enjoy riding Highland a handful of times a season.
Highland is a small mountain with a single lift and most runs are pretty quick, averaging around 4000 feet of descending. On a busy day you could end up spending more time in line than riding but it will be worth it. Highland has good beginner trails to get you acclimated to riding DH, they offer lessons, rentals and are well priced.  The summer kids camp and other camps they offer are extensive with some being coached by professional, well known riders.  There is also the indoor bike park and Ayr Bag. From my point of view I think Highland has the best jump trails to learn and play on.

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